Thursday, January 14, 2010


At last BEE sessional given. Been a long tiring night ,it was, before sessional, preparation wasn't good but sessional went just fine. 1 question is incorrect of whole class so i did 4/5 correctly and i added a bit on bongian in a theoratical question as usual just like old times. Overall it was easy. Was made to pass everybody.
Now i've got sessional of programming on coming monday. huh! i'm sick of these sessionals. i just hate them now but people say that i should get used to them now but i just can't.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010


At last BEE sessional given. Been a long tiring night ,it was, before sessional, preparation wasn't good but sessional went just fine. 1 question is incorrect of whole class so i did 4/5 correctly and i added a bit on bongian in a theoratical question as usual just like old times. Overall it was easy. Was made to pass everybody.
Now i've got sessional of programming on coming monday. huh! i'm sick of these sessionals. i just hate them now but people say that i should get used to them now but i just can't.

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