Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Bugged Humans

We see a person around us, who is very active, wants to participate in everything, wants to do everything, wants to get popular; he wants to be the center of attention. He want others to look at him, he wants to be looked upon continuously, he want everyone around him to be mesmerized by him, everyone being drowned in the spell of his beauty and uniqueness, and he wants to hypnotize everyone to consider him as a jewel from which one cannot remove his eyes. This person considers himself as a diamond, the most beautiful and the only one present in this world. Then the whole day passes away like this and  he is tired of acting nice all day.
He comes to his home very tired. He opens the door of his house; his two children who were playing happily become scared and run towards the kitchen where their mother is cooking the dinner. The person starts screaming after entering the house, “where is the food, I am tired, no one cares for me, you all are selfish bastards who don’t care for me.”  The person’s wife brings food for him; the two scared children are holding the clothes of their mother with fear and are hiding behind her. The person starts to eat and then throws away the food and starts screaming, “do you call this garbage food, there is no salt in it and it tastes like shit. I will again have to eat from the burger king. My health is ruined due to you people.” He stands up and grabs her wife from the hair and pulls her aside and leaves the house. His wife starts crying and so does the children. Their every day is almost like this, that person comes home and scolds everyone without any reason and then either goes out or goes to sleep. Children and their mother are always in stress till that person is at home. That person then goes to burger king. There, he finds one of his colleagues. His colleague mostly eats there because his family is in another city and he is living alone in this city. He talks to his colleague with a smile on his face and tells him that his wife is horrible and she doesn’t even makes food for him. She just cries whole day like a drama queen without any reason. His wife is turning their children against him and he is sick of his family. Moreover he says that his whole good day was ruined due to his family’s bad attitude towards him. It’s such a shame that a good person like him has got such a bad family. After having his dinner, he says good bye to his friend and goes home. There he opens the door goes to the bedroom and then sleeps in his bed without saying a word to his family. His wife has become sleep deprived due to anxiety and depression. 

We see a person around us, who is very caring and kind. He talks with sympathy for all. He says that he fears god a lot. He appears very pious and seems like he wouldn’t even hurt an ant. He feels the pain of every person. This is his impression on every person around him. At lunch break, he sits with one of his colleagues and asks how is he doing? The colleague says that he is having a rough day; boss has given him a hard task. The nice person says, “I can feel your pain, I know its tyranny to give such a task to a single person. Our boss is such a bad person. He doesn’t know how to work properly. A person like him doesn’t deserve to be the boss.” His colleague is a bit confused that what that person is saying, Is he sympathizing with him or is he complaining about the boss himself? The colleague asks did boss do anything wrong with him? He replies, “The boss? You should be asking who didn’t. Every person around us is bad, they are very mean, and they are all wolves in the sheep’s hide.” The colleague gets more confused. At the water dispenser he asks his old pal, “hey, did you guys played some prank on that nice person, he said you people did something bad to him.” The other colleague also gets confused and says that they can’t even imagine doing something with that nice guy. Then they both meet the nice guy and the first colleague asks him about his conversation with him earlier. The nice guy says,”How could you blame your own bad words on me, you are the one who was backbiting every one and you were abusing the boss also. You are such a hypocrite. I hate hypocrites and I hate liars.” This nice person says this and goes to the boss to complain about the first colleague. The first colleague gets extremely confused that what has happened. He didn’t do anything and still got stuck in this mess. After an hour, the first colleague gets a warning letter from the boss for doing dirty politics at the work place and from that day everyone at work place looks at him oddly like he did something very bad. He just falls in depression and starts hating himself.  The nice guy then comes home, there he says hi to his parents and tells them that how he exposed a bad guy and got him a warning letter and how he deserved that. His parents say to him that it’s okay but try not to get in to any trouble. He gets angry on this statement of his parents screams at them saying, “How could you say this to your own son. I know you people hate me, I do so much for you, I work in a garbage like office whole day to support you people and all I get to hear from you people is that what I did was wrong. You people are saying I am wrong? I know you people hate me, you have never loved me, and you are the worst parents on this planet.” After saying all this he goes into his room crying. His parents feel guilty for making him sad again. They are also sad due to the fact that no girl is able to live with him; he went into a serious fight with his every fiance just after two weeks of engagement. His parents are sad because they know their son will live all his life alone.  Next day, the nice person wakes up and say to his parents that he loves them more than anything in this world and leaves for office like nothing happened yesterday. When he enters in the office, the colleague who was his victim runs away into toilet so that he doesn’t have to face him and all other people greet him wholeheartedly. After a year, he gets into a serious fight with his boss and leaves this office and goes into another one.

We see a person around us, who is very confident, who is full of charisma and have an intellect of a very high level. He has perfect control on his emotions, if anyone says something bad to him, he simply smiles back and says that it’s OK, it’s human nature to be angry sometimes. It seems like he is a very strong person. All the higher ups in the office like him. He is considered as the sage of the office. At evening, he gives lift to one of his colleagues. They stop by a shop for a drink. The shop keeper is nowhere to be found near the shop. The colleague says let’s check the next shop. The charismatic person just opens the refrigerator and pick up two cans of soda. His colleague says it’s wrong to pick something without paying. The charismatic person says, “I am doing it and no one is watching, so it is right. I cannot do anything wrong.” Then, they both start moving. After sometime they see a crippled dog on the road. Their car is the only vehicle on the road; they can easily dodge the dog. The colleague says to the charismatic person to watch out for the dog and pass beside it. But, it seemed like he didn’t hear what his colleague was saying and he ran his car over the dog. The dog died with a heart tearing cry. By this the colleague of the charismatic person gets goose bumps and asks him in confused state that why did he do this? The charismatic person replies in a very calm attitude and with a cold smile, “It was an act of kindness. I freed that dog from its misery. It was not wrong; whatever I do is always right and is in interest of other people. I am sure the dog is happy now.”   His colleague doesn't say a word after that because he gets scared and confused by that persons behavior. Then this charismatic person reaches his home, there he just gets fresh and eats his dinner then goes to sleep. During this whole time no one speaks a single word. Everyone stays quiet in front of him. He also doesn’t say a single word to his family.  

We see another person around us, whose actions are extremely confusing. We cannot predict how he will act in the next minute. And the reason that we need to predict his actions is that his actions doesn’t comply with the normal human behavior. One day he thinks he is best, other day he thinks he is a devil, another day he thinks he is the most useless person of this world. One day he is very friendly with you, other day he is angry with you, another day you are his greatest enemy. One day he is wastrel, other day he is economical, another day he is thinking how to steal money. One day he is happy, another day he happy like a crazy person, another day he is serious like a sage and yet another day he might be crying or throwing things in rage. No one can tell what’s wrong with this person, but people around him get depressed and tense due to all the changes in his behavior without any apparent reason.  This person’s behavior also varies from person to person. He might be shouting at you without any reason but at the same time he might talk with an unknown pedestrian like he is his brother-in-law.

Then sometimes we see a person around us, who is an odd mixture of everything that is written above. With some subordinates he will be very kind and will forgive their every mistake. With other subordinates he will behave in exactly the same way but will cut their roots from inside. This person also might spread false gossips in colleagues and do backbiting against each and every person around him. In discussions he will pretend to be a sage, by saying general statements of wisdom. If someone makes him angry then that person will become the worst person of this universe in his head. For one needy person, he will be very kind and for another needy person he will be a heartless tyrant. At home, he might hate his parents and siblings. In overall appearance he will appear as a very jolly and lively person but those who will go near him will come to know that he is a very bitter person from inside.   
While walking on the path of life, one will face many people like these. If you keep your nose in your own business and make them stay at a distance, then you will have a very good time with such kind of people. It’s impossible to identify them in a group. To identify them, one has to come in close contact with them and see their reactions in certain situations.  It isn’t as simple as it is to say. Coming in contact with such people will get you involved in their dramatic world and it might make your life a living hell for some time. Their own life is a hell. The world for them is a very hard and bad place to live. It’s all due to the thoughts that are being generated in their minds.

Every person’s mind is like a house. It has an exterior appearance and an interior appearance. It is like a little world which everyone carries around with them. It is created by the person himself and its bricks are the thoughts being generated in the brain. Imagine that people are walking on a road. Every person is surrounded by a big bubble. We can only see the outer membrane of that bubble and we do not know what’s inside. These are the bubble worlds or bubble houses, each surrounding every human. The people described above have a very shiny coat on their bubble, but from inside it’s a mess. It’s like a house which is well decorated from outside, but from inside its haunted, everything in it is covered with dust and there are a lot of cobwebs. Another important thing is that their bubble houses do not even have a single window. They are unable to see things clearly that are outside their house of thoughts. Their dark house is the whole world to them. That’s why they think whole world is haunted and dark. Their thoughts are covered with dust like furniture gets covered by dust in a closed old house. 

When two persons come close to each other, little worlds of both people overlap and they are able to experience each other’s inner worlds. If their worlds of thought are good then both will be happy. If one person’s world of thought is dark then the person with the good world of thought will go into a state of distress. It just happens which we can feel but cannot explain. Its like, some people just hate some other people without any reason. Or sometimes it’s like we hear from people that they feel allergic to specific person, that person irritates them without any reason. It’s a common observation that two negative people get along very well. It might be due to the reason that they are both living in a world of dark thoughts and it’s a normal way of life and thinking for them. It’s like every person generates an energy field due to the thoughts that are being processed in his brain and when two people with same energy pattern meet each other, their energy field resonate and strengthens the overall energy fields of both. When two people with opposite thoughts meet each other, the interaction of their energy fields might result in interference and it will destabilize the energy field of both persons, resulting in irritation due to an unknown reason. 

The world which is made up of person’s thoughts, takes a very long time to be built. It starts building when a child starts questioning and observing different things around himself. The first thing he observes is the behavior of his own family. Whatever his family does becomes the normal trend for that child. If there is fighting between parents then fighting becomes a normal trend for that person. Even when he grows up and comes in a good environment still he will feel like a fight is going on around him. He will show defensive traits without any stimuli which he learned during his abusive childhood. He will smile even when he will be scolded because in childhood he has learned that he should smile no matter what. He will see every other person as a potential danger because in childhood he even had to hide from his parents sometimes to escape their abusive behavior. He might not show any emotion because his mother didn’t like him showing his emotions, so he learns to completely hide his emotions. Sometime a grown up might start to have an attack of rage on a very little thing, it might be due to the reason that his father used to act like this in front of him when he was a kid. Sometimes a person says that he is always right, it might be due to the reason that in childhood that person was over validated by his parents, like he was told that you are always right because you are our son. Such people are live their life considering that they are in middle of a battle field.
 It’s not necessary that there should be reason behind any specific thought pattern. Sometimes a person is born with an abnormal thought pattern. But, it’s totally in hands of parents to mold the thought pattern of the person. In today’s society, we see a trend where parents don’t say anything to their children, and they say that the child is very young at the moment; he will learn how to act when he grows up. This result in growth of the person in the same thought pattern with which he is born, or he will adopt a thought pattern from his surroundings like media, friends or simply observing the family members. Simply, we can say there are many factors which can cause a person’s thoughts to become negative, but the most important factor is the parenting.  Sometimes, we see people growing up in a hell like environment and still they grow up into very fine individuals. So there is no true definable cause behind a person’s thoughts going astray from normal.

When such people have their own children, they appear very bad at parenting. They are unable to raise their own children properly. They show odd behavior even towards their children. This increases the chances of the child to grow with same frame of thoughts as that of one of his parents. So such people produce more people like them in this world. This is what we are seeing around us these days, we see more unstable people around us now a days. Every second person is depressed. Family systems are going down. Everyone is in an imaginary competition. It’s like every person is running with one goal in their mind, that is, they have to survive an imaginary battle. To survive a battle, there are no rules; they will do anything to survive and they are unable to trust each other. They smell distrust in every second person. It’s like; mess is being multiplied due to ruined family systems these days.

What are these people? What’s wrong with them? These questions seem unanswerable to me. No one can exactly define these behavioral conditions, but these are labeled in different ways in different systems. And the thing which is wrong with them is that they are affecting their own life and the lives of the people around them. If one asks such person that, is anything wrong with him, he will simply say, “No, there’s nothing wrong with me, but it seems like there are a lot of wrong people around me.” It’s like, they see the world from a different perspective that is wrong in view of majority of people but they see it as a perfect survival program. If you present them with an example of an unknown person and associate their behavior with that unknown person then they might say that the unknown person has behavioral problems but if you say to them that you might also be like that, then they become angry and become your enemy. Even they cannot accept such kind of behavior in another person which they depict themselves. So they themselves consider their behavior as inappropriate but still say that there is nothing wrong with them. 

The solution of this type of problem is only that such people should try to make a window in their thought bubble house and start observing what’s going on outside their own world. They should start to observe their behavior in comparison to other people. Such people need to develop the ability of questioning their own self, which they have lost. If they do not make windows in the walls of their dark thought house then at sometime some events or some other people might strike on these walls from outside. Attack on the walls of thought house is not a pleasurable experience; it will obviously take them into a state of intense anxiety and depression. This just drives them crazier and they start to hate things even more and, very rarely, some people do learn their lesson from such events.

They are simply the people around us which drive us to our limits when we come in close contact with them. Sometimes they leave us amazed and confused. We should be thankful to such people for making us question our own sanity. Whenever such people come in contact with me, they always make me think that either I am insane or the person in front of me is insane. It gives me good chance to evaluate my own behavior, I am thankful to them for this. But I am still confused what are they? Why did they turn to be like this? Why don’t they try to fix themselves? I think these questions will always remain a mystery for me. To me it appears like there is some bug in their programming. They are the bugged humans living around us and sometimes, they make our lives difficult for us.  

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Bugged Humans

We see a person around us, who is very active, wants to participate in everything, wants to do everything, wants to get popular; he wants to be the center of attention. He want others to look at him, he wants to be looked upon continuously, he want everyone around him to be mesmerized by him, everyone being drowned in the spell of his beauty and uniqueness, and he wants to hypnotize everyone to consider him as a jewel from which one cannot remove his eyes. This person considers himself as a diamond, the most beautiful and the only one present in this world. Then the whole day passes away like this and  he is tired of acting nice all day.
He comes to his home very tired. He opens the door of his house; his two children who were playing happily become scared and run towards the kitchen where their mother is cooking the dinner. The person starts screaming after entering the house, “where is the food, I am tired, no one cares for me, you all are selfish bastards who don’t care for me.”  The person’s wife brings food for him; the two scared children are holding the clothes of their mother with fear and are hiding behind her. The person starts to eat and then throws away the food and starts screaming, “do you call this garbage food, there is no salt in it and it tastes like shit. I will again have to eat from the burger king. My health is ruined due to you people.” He stands up and grabs her wife from the hair and pulls her aside and leaves the house. His wife starts crying and so does the children. Their every day is almost like this, that person comes home and scolds everyone without any reason and then either goes out or goes to sleep. Children and their mother are always in stress till that person is at home. That person then goes to burger king. There, he finds one of his colleagues. His colleague mostly eats there because his family is in another city and he is living alone in this city. He talks to his colleague with a smile on his face and tells him that his wife is horrible and she doesn’t even makes food for him. She just cries whole day like a drama queen without any reason. His wife is turning their children against him and he is sick of his family. Moreover he says that his whole good day was ruined due to his family’s bad attitude towards him. It’s such a shame that a good person like him has got such a bad family. After having his dinner, he says good bye to his friend and goes home. There he opens the door goes to the bedroom and then sleeps in his bed without saying a word to his family. His wife has become sleep deprived due to anxiety and depression. 

We see a person around us, who is very caring and kind. He talks with sympathy for all. He says that he fears god a lot. He appears very pious and seems like he wouldn’t even hurt an ant. He feels the pain of every person. This is his impression on every person around him. At lunch break, he sits with one of his colleagues and asks how is he doing? The colleague says that he is having a rough day; boss has given him a hard task. The nice person says, “I can feel your pain, I know its tyranny to give such a task to a single person. Our boss is such a bad person. He doesn’t know how to work properly. A person like him doesn’t deserve to be the boss.” His colleague is a bit confused that what that person is saying, Is he sympathizing with him or is he complaining about the boss himself? The colleague asks did boss do anything wrong with him? He replies, “The boss? You should be asking who didn’t. Every person around us is bad, they are very mean, and they are all wolves in the sheep’s hide.” The colleague gets more confused. At the water dispenser he asks his old pal, “hey, did you guys played some prank on that nice person, he said you people did something bad to him.” The other colleague also gets confused and says that they can’t even imagine doing something with that nice guy. Then they both meet the nice guy and the first colleague asks him about his conversation with him earlier. The nice guy says,”How could you blame your own bad words on me, you are the one who was backbiting every one and you were abusing the boss also. You are such a hypocrite. I hate hypocrites and I hate liars.” This nice person says this and goes to the boss to complain about the first colleague. The first colleague gets extremely confused that what has happened. He didn’t do anything and still got stuck in this mess. After an hour, the first colleague gets a warning letter from the boss for doing dirty politics at the work place and from that day everyone at work place looks at him oddly like he did something very bad. He just falls in depression and starts hating himself.  The nice guy then comes home, there he says hi to his parents and tells them that how he exposed a bad guy and got him a warning letter and how he deserved that. His parents say to him that it’s okay but try not to get in to any trouble. He gets angry on this statement of his parents screams at them saying, “How could you say this to your own son. I know you people hate me, I do so much for you, I work in a garbage like office whole day to support you people and all I get to hear from you people is that what I did was wrong. You people are saying I am wrong? I know you people hate me, you have never loved me, and you are the worst parents on this planet.” After saying all this he goes into his room crying. His parents feel guilty for making him sad again. They are also sad due to the fact that no girl is able to live with him; he went into a serious fight with his every fiance just after two weeks of engagement. His parents are sad because they know their son will live all his life alone.  Next day, the nice person wakes up and say to his parents that he loves them more than anything in this world and leaves for office like nothing happened yesterday. When he enters in the office, the colleague who was his victim runs away into toilet so that he doesn’t have to face him and all other people greet him wholeheartedly. After a year, he gets into a serious fight with his boss and leaves this office and goes into another one.

We see a person around us, who is very confident, who is full of charisma and have an intellect of a very high level. He has perfect control on his emotions, if anyone says something bad to him, he simply smiles back and says that it’s OK, it’s human nature to be angry sometimes. It seems like he is a very strong person. All the higher ups in the office like him. He is considered as the sage of the office. At evening, he gives lift to one of his colleagues. They stop by a shop for a drink. The shop keeper is nowhere to be found near the shop. The colleague says let’s check the next shop. The charismatic person just opens the refrigerator and pick up two cans of soda. His colleague says it’s wrong to pick something without paying. The charismatic person says, “I am doing it and no one is watching, so it is right. I cannot do anything wrong.” Then, they both start moving. After sometime they see a crippled dog on the road. Their car is the only vehicle on the road; they can easily dodge the dog. The colleague says to the charismatic person to watch out for the dog and pass beside it. But, it seemed like he didn’t hear what his colleague was saying and he ran his car over the dog. The dog died with a heart tearing cry. By this the colleague of the charismatic person gets goose bumps and asks him in confused state that why did he do this? The charismatic person replies in a very calm attitude and with a cold smile, “It was an act of kindness. I freed that dog from its misery. It was not wrong; whatever I do is always right and is in interest of other people. I am sure the dog is happy now.”   His colleague doesn't say a word after that because he gets scared and confused by that persons behavior. Then this charismatic person reaches his home, there he just gets fresh and eats his dinner then goes to sleep. During this whole time no one speaks a single word. Everyone stays quiet in front of him. He also doesn’t say a single word to his family.  

We see another person around us, whose actions are extremely confusing. We cannot predict how he will act in the next minute. And the reason that we need to predict his actions is that his actions doesn’t comply with the normal human behavior. One day he thinks he is best, other day he thinks he is a devil, another day he thinks he is the most useless person of this world. One day he is very friendly with you, other day he is angry with you, another day you are his greatest enemy. One day he is wastrel, other day he is economical, another day he is thinking how to steal money. One day he is happy, another day he happy like a crazy person, another day he is serious like a sage and yet another day he might be crying or throwing things in rage. No one can tell what’s wrong with this person, but people around him get depressed and tense due to all the changes in his behavior without any apparent reason.  This person’s behavior also varies from person to person. He might be shouting at you without any reason but at the same time he might talk with an unknown pedestrian like he is his brother-in-law.

Then sometimes we see a person around us, who is an odd mixture of everything that is written above. With some subordinates he will be very kind and will forgive their every mistake. With other subordinates he will behave in exactly the same way but will cut their roots from inside. This person also might spread false gossips in colleagues and do backbiting against each and every person around him. In discussions he will pretend to be a sage, by saying general statements of wisdom. If someone makes him angry then that person will become the worst person of this universe in his head. For one needy person, he will be very kind and for another needy person he will be a heartless tyrant. At home, he might hate his parents and siblings. In overall appearance he will appear as a very jolly and lively person but those who will go near him will come to know that he is a very bitter person from inside.   
While walking on the path of life, one will face many people like these. If you keep your nose in your own business and make them stay at a distance, then you will have a very good time with such kind of people. It’s impossible to identify them in a group. To identify them, one has to come in close contact with them and see their reactions in certain situations.  It isn’t as simple as it is to say. Coming in contact with such people will get you involved in their dramatic world and it might make your life a living hell for some time. Their own life is a hell. The world for them is a very hard and bad place to live. It’s all due to the thoughts that are being generated in their minds.

Every person’s mind is like a house. It has an exterior appearance and an interior appearance. It is like a little world which everyone carries around with them. It is created by the person himself and its bricks are the thoughts being generated in the brain. Imagine that people are walking on a road. Every person is surrounded by a big bubble. We can only see the outer membrane of that bubble and we do not know what’s inside. These are the bubble worlds or bubble houses, each surrounding every human. The people described above have a very shiny coat on their bubble, but from inside it’s a mess. It’s like a house which is well decorated from outside, but from inside its haunted, everything in it is covered with dust and there are a lot of cobwebs. Another important thing is that their bubble houses do not even have a single window. They are unable to see things clearly that are outside their house of thoughts. Their dark house is the whole world to them. That’s why they think whole world is haunted and dark. Their thoughts are covered with dust like furniture gets covered by dust in a closed old house. 

When two persons come close to each other, little worlds of both people overlap and they are able to experience each other’s inner worlds. If their worlds of thought are good then both will be happy. If one person’s world of thought is dark then the person with the good world of thought will go into a state of distress. It just happens which we can feel but cannot explain. Its like, some people just hate some other people without any reason. Or sometimes it’s like we hear from people that they feel allergic to specific person, that person irritates them without any reason. It’s a common observation that two negative people get along very well. It might be due to the reason that they are both living in a world of dark thoughts and it’s a normal way of life and thinking for them. It’s like every person generates an energy field due to the thoughts that are being processed in his brain and when two people with same energy pattern meet each other, their energy field resonate and strengthens the overall energy fields of both. When two people with opposite thoughts meet each other, the interaction of their energy fields might result in interference and it will destabilize the energy field of both persons, resulting in irritation due to an unknown reason. 

The world which is made up of person’s thoughts, takes a very long time to be built. It starts building when a child starts questioning and observing different things around himself. The first thing he observes is the behavior of his own family. Whatever his family does becomes the normal trend for that child. If there is fighting between parents then fighting becomes a normal trend for that person. Even when he grows up and comes in a good environment still he will feel like a fight is going on around him. He will show defensive traits without any stimuli which he learned during his abusive childhood. He will smile even when he will be scolded because in childhood he has learned that he should smile no matter what. He will see every other person as a potential danger because in childhood he even had to hide from his parents sometimes to escape their abusive behavior. He might not show any emotion because his mother didn’t like him showing his emotions, so he learns to completely hide his emotions. Sometime a grown up might start to have an attack of rage on a very little thing, it might be due to the reason that his father used to act like this in front of him when he was a kid. Sometimes a person says that he is always right, it might be due to the reason that in childhood that person was over validated by his parents, like he was told that you are always right because you are our son. Such people are live their life considering that they are in middle of a battle field.
 It’s not necessary that there should be reason behind any specific thought pattern. Sometimes a person is born with an abnormal thought pattern. But, it’s totally in hands of parents to mold the thought pattern of the person. In today’s society, we see a trend where parents don’t say anything to their children, and they say that the child is very young at the moment; he will learn how to act when he grows up. This result in growth of the person in the same thought pattern with which he is born, or he will adopt a thought pattern from his surroundings like media, friends or simply observing the family members. Simply, we can say there are many factors which can cause a person’s thoughts to become negative, but the most important factor is the parenting.  Sometimes, we see people growing up in a hell like environment and still they grow up into very fine individuals. So there is no true definable cause behind a person’s thoughts going astray from normal.

When such people have their own children, they appear very bad at parenting. They are unable to raise their own children properly. They show odd behavior even towards their children. This increases the chances of the child to grow with same frame of thoughts as that of one of his parents. So such people produce more people like them in this world. This is what we are seeing around us these days, we see more unstable people around us now a days. Every second person is depressed. Family systems are going down. Everyone is in an imaginary competition. It’s like every person is running with one goal in their mind, that is, they have to survive an imaginary battle. To survive a battle, there are no rules; they will do anything to survive and they are unable to trust each other. They smell distrust in every second person. It’s like; mess is being multiplied due to ruined family systems these days.

What are these people? What’s wrong with them? These questions seem unanswerable to me. No one can exactly define these behavioral conditions, but these are labeled in different ways in different systems. And the thing which is wrong with them is that they are affecting their own life and the lives of the people around them. If one asks such person that, is anything wrong with him, he will simply say, “No, there’s nothing wrong with me, but it seems like there are a lot of wrong people around me.” It’s like, they see the world from a different perspective that is wrong in view of majority of people but they see it as a perfect survival program. If you present them with an example of an unknown person and associate their behavior with that unknown person then they might say that the unknown person has behavioral problems but if you say to them that you might also be like that, then they become angry and become your enemy. Even they cannot accept such kind of behavior in another person which they depict themselves. So they themselves consider their behavior as inappropriate but still say that there is nothing wrong with them. 

The solution of this type of problem is only that such people should try to make a window in their thought bubble house and start observing what’s going on outside their own world. They should start to observe their behavior in comparison to other people. Such people need to develop the ability of questioning their own self, which they have lost. If they do not make windows in the walls of their dark thought house then at sometime some events or some other people might strike on these walls from outside. Attack on the walls of thought house is not a pleasurable experience; it will obviously take them into a state of intense anxiety and depression. This just drives them crazier and they start to hate things even more and, very rarely, some people do learn their lesson from such events.

They are simply the people around us which drive us to our limits when we come in close contact with them. Sometimes they leave us amazed and confused. We should be thankful to such people for making us question our own sanity. Whenever such people come in contact with me, they always make me think that either I am insane or the person in front of me is insane. It gives me good chance to evaluate my own behavior, I am thankful to them for this. But I am still confused what are they? Why did they turn to be like this? Why don’t they try to fix themselves? I think these questions will always remain a mystery for me. To me it appears like there is some bug in their programming. They are the bugged humans living around us and sometimes, they make our lives difficult for us.  

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