Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Ferrari World

Any guess what is it? No! It really is one of the man made wonders. It is more than 2 square kilometers of poise, passion and pizzaz. It isn't just a giant red star fish with roads surrounding it, it is a thing that can make volcanoes of joy errupt in you, its called THE FERRARI WORLD and it is the biggest in-door park ever made!
After a long wait of four years, this project has been complete which is by far the biggest project in the history of Ferrari. It is just beside Abu Dhabi international racing circuit. Opening was due this saturday but due to some reasons, we don't know, prince couldn't attend the ceremony so officially it will be opened for public next week.
A multi billion dollar project which has everything related to Ferrari, that insignia of Ferrari on the roof-top is 60x40 meters in size, really explains the hugeness of that RED TIDE!
 Inside there are more than 20 rollercoaster rides and best one amoung them is below. Cabs in that rollercoaster look like F430 and go like a rocket. There are actually two rollercoasters side by side which seem to be racing with each other but of course they aren't....
Inside there are numerous italian resturants...

 The only F1 roller-coaster that makes you sick and make you say "it was insane!".
 Ordinary malls and parks feature a racing car screens at the front to make to feel like you're in a racing car. But this isn't that ordinary installment. Its a proper Ferrari F60, which is placed in a floor that is connected to hydraulic lifters and pressurizers. When you play, all hydraulics and pressurizers connected to an electronic control unit make you feel like a proper original F1 car. You feel all the G-forces depending on the turn and braking you're applying.... very clever!

More details are still to follow!

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Ferrari World

Any guess what is it? No! It really is one of the man made wonders. It is more than 2 square kilometers of poise, passion and pizzaz. It isn't just a giant red star fish with roads surrounding it, it is a thing that can make volcanoes of joy errupt in you, its called THE FERRARI WORLD and it is the biggest in-door park ever made!
After a long wait of four years, this project has been complete which is by far the biggest project in the history of Ferrari. It is just beside Abu Dhabi international racing circuit. Opening was due this saturday but due to some reasons, we don't know, prince couldn't attend the ceremony so officially it will be opened for public next week.
A multi billion dollar project which has everything related to Ferrari, that insignia of Ferrari on the roof-top is 60x40 meters in size, really explains the hugeness of that RED TIDE!
 Inside there are more than 20 rollercoaster rides and best one amoung them is below. Cabs in that rollercoaster look like F430 and go like a rocket. There are actually two rollercoasters side by side which seem to be racing with each other but of course they aren't....
Inside there are numerous italian resturants...

 The only F1 roller-coaster that makes you sick and make you say "it was insane!".
 Ordinary malls and parks feature a racing car screens at the front to make to feel like you're in a racing car. But this isn't that ordinary installment. Its a proper Ferrari F60, which is placed in a floor that is connected to hydraulic lifters and pressurizers. When you play, all hydraulics and pressurizers connected to an electronic control unit make you feel like a proper original F1 car. You feel all the G-forces depending on the turn and braking you're applying.... very clever!

More details are still to follow!

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