Monday, November 1, 2010

Pakistan Progresses in Corruption

The prime minister (Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani) said his government is not corrupt. And the very next day, Transparency International announced that Pakistan has jumped to place no. 34 from 42 in the list of corrupt nations.

I wonder why it happens that whenever this government announces something, the opposite happens. Immediately after PEPCO announced an end to load-shedding, there were reports of widespread power breakdowns in all the cities.

How the prime minister can say with such a straight face that there is no corruption in his government beats me. Apparently he thinks all his ministers are honest, upright Muslims who (like him) think that getting bank loans worth millions written off is not corruption. The prime minister himself got his wife’s bank loans amounting to over Rs. 50 million written off during the days when some people died trying to get free rations from charitable organizations.

But then, such things mean nothing to him. Let the rupee go up to Rs. 87 (from Rs. 60 before he became prime minister), let food prices go through the roof, let people commit suicide due to hunger, why should he lose any sleep? He is, after all, the chief executive of the country, and no one can touch him.

And as for Transparency International, the prime minister and his friends think it is paid by the Hindu/Jewish/Christian/Buddhist lobby to defame him and his ministers.

Where are we going?
What are we waiting for?
We will raise only when water will flow over us? When we will be drowned?
What are we waiting for?


  1. Obviously, we are going to hell.
    We are waiting for going to hell.
    Water is already flowing over us i guess, and we are waiting to get drowned and reach hell.
    Again we are waiting for going to hell.

  2. We are being prepared for the beginning of the end...period!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Pakistan Progresses in Corruption

The prime minister (Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani) said his government is not corrupt. And the very next day, Transparency International announced that Pakistan has jumped to place no. 34 from 42 in the list of corrupt nations.

I wonder why it happens that whenever this government announces something, the opposite happens. Immediately after PEPCO announced an end to load-shedding, there were reports of widespread power breakdowns in all the cities.

How the prime minister can say with such a straight face that there is no corruption in his government beats me. Apparently he thinks all his ministers are honest, upright Muslims who (like him) think that getting bank loans worth millions written off is not corruption. The prime minister himself got his wife’s bank loans amounting to over Rs. 50 million written off during the days when some people died trying to get free rations from charitable organizations.

But then, such things mean nothing to him. Let the rupee go up to Rs. 87 (from Rs. 60 before he became prime minister), let food prices go through the roof, let people commit suicide due to hunger, why should he lose any sleep? He is, after all, the chief executive of the country, and no one can touch him.

And as for Transparency International, the prime minister and his friends think it is paid by the Hindu/Jewish/Christian/Buddhist lobby to defame him and his ministers.

Where are we going?
What are we waiting for?
We will raise only when water will flow over us? When we will be drowned?
What are we waiting for?


  1. Obviously, we are going to hell.
    We are waiting for going to hell.
    Water is already flowing over us i guess, and we are waiting to get drowned and reach hell.
    Again we are waiting for going to hell.

  2. We are being prepared for the beginning of the end...period!
