Friday, March 26, 2010


yOu $tiLL tHinK cOncOrdE i$ tHe faSteSt paSSengEr pLanE eVeR? iF yE$ tHeN yOu bE wRonG... wiTne$$ tHe pErfEctiOn oF ru$$iaN$, wHat yOu aRe lOOkiNg aT i$ tHe fAstEst paSSengEr pLanE eVer mAde... cAlleD tuPoleV tu-144, cRo$$ed mAch 2. apPerEntLy iT i$ liKe cOncoRde aNd sHarE$ mAny tHinG$ wiTh iT liKe cHanGinG oF nOSe aT suPeRsOniC sPeEd, bA$ic lAy oUt deSign eTc eTc... iT mAdE iT$ la$t fLigHt bAck iN 1987.
tHerE i'Ve a piCtUre sHowiNg cOmpaRison oF cOncOrde wiTh cOncOrdsKi (eUroPeaN$ usEd to cAll iT concordski). uPpeR i$ cOncOrde... tOtaL nUmbEr oF cOncOrdsKi bUilT wAs oNly 16...


  1. well Russians are ahead of Europe in many fields. And it looks better then Concorde. And why it stopped in 1987?

  2. and that's speedometer of alto? your profile pic one?

  3. may be same reason as that of concorde... i don't know! & yeah that is speedo of alto...

  4. Europeans are copy cats...
    this is much better than concorde...


Friday, March 26, 2010


yOu $tiLL tHinK cOncOrdE i$ tHe faSteSt paSSengEr pLanE eVeR? iF yE$ tHeN yOu bE wRonG... wiTne$$ tHe pErfEctiOn oF ru$$iaN$, wHat yOu aRe lOOkiNg aT i$ tHe fAstEst paSSengEr pLanE eVer mAde... cAlleD tuPoleV tu-144, cRo$$ed mAch 2. apPerEntLy iT i$ liKe cOncoRde aNd sHarE$ mAny tHinG$ wiTh iT liKe cHanGinG oF nOSe aT suPeRsOniC sPeEd, bA$ic lAy oUt deSign eTc eTc... iT mAdE iT$ la$t fLigHt bAck iN 1987.
tHerE i'Ve a piCtUre sHowiNg cOmpaRison oF cOncOrde wiTh cOncOrdsKi (eUroPeaN$ usEd to cAll iT concordski). uPpeR i$ cOncOrde... tOtaL nUmbEr oF cOncOrdsKi bUilT wAs oNly 16...


  1. well Russians are ahead of Europe in many fields. And it looks better then Concorde. And why it stopped in 1987?

  2. and that's speedometer of alto? your profile pic one?

  3. may be same reason as that of concorde... i don't know! & yeah that is speedo of alto...

  4. Europeans are copy cats...
    this is much better than concorde...
